Our Founders


Mark Aspinall

Graeme Barron

Beatrice & Douglas Broadwater

The Gilbert and Ildiko Butler Family Foundation

Minnie Carroll

William Charnley

Lord & Lady Clement-Jones

The Rev Canon Nicholas Cranfield

Tobit Curteis

Flora Esterly & Guyon Knight

Marietta von Bernuth Esterly

Neal and Kim Esterly

Deborah Gage

The late Sir Nicholas Goodison

A Grocho

Loyd Grossman

Lady Holmes

Michael & Candace Humphreys in memory of David Esterly

Dorothy M. Hurt

Penny and Hugh Hurst

Marina Inoue

Jonathan Louth

Sir Nicholas Mander

Janet Martin

Thomas Messel

Neal Milch in honour of David Esterly

Jim Mullen and Nola Anderson, in honour of David Esterly and Marietta von Bernuth

Philip Ogden

Oliver Caroe Architecture

Simon Philips

Olga Polizzi and William Shawcross

Andrew Rose

Joanna Shawcross

Nicholas & Anne Somers

Fiona & Geoff Squire

Nigel Taylor

Helen Wilkinson

Organisational Founders


Lisa Ackerman

Graciela Ainsworth

Cristina Alfonsin & Jens Larsen

David Bellamy

Laura Bennett

George Browning

Peter Bury

James Campbell

Harvey Cammell

Oliver Caroe

George Carter

Lennox Cato DL & Sue Cato

Jonathan Cheshire

Kelly Cordes

Nick Cox

Tobit Curteis

Susan Davenport

Robin Davies

Sheila de Bellaigue

Ada de Wit

John Ebdon

Anna Emerald

Andra Fitzherbert

Martha J. Fleischman

Michael Fleming

John Goodall

Karen Hearn

Christina Hemsley

Robin Hereford

Mike Howden

Roland Jeffery

Jane Johnsen

Elizabeth Jones

Dilan Joshi

Thomas van Kampen

Virginia and Christopher Kelly

Mark Kirby

Caroline Knight

Cherry Ann Knott

David Luard

Polly Mander

Janet & Richard Martin

Thomas Messel

Selden Morales

Jeremy Musson

Sandy Nairne and Professor Lisa Tickner

Derek Nixon – Anthony Nixon Furniture

Ruth Ord-Hume

Will Palin

Clare Pardy

Mark Parsons

David Pesikoff and Nicole Longnecker

Anne & Tim Philp

Justin Reay

Christopher Rowell

Nicole Rycroft

Stanley & Gillian Sadinsky

Elaine Saunders

Kimberley Schumacher

Stacey Sloboda

Stephen Somerville

Fiona & Geoff Squire

Francis Terry

Holly Trusted & Bill Dunn

Susie Wensley Walker

Roger & Ann Ward

Dame Marina Warner

Amanda & Christopher Watkins

Anthony Webb

Hugh Wedderburn

Anthony Willenbruch

Jacqueline & Michael Winarick

Tim Wright

Alice Yates