Election as Warden (Drapers’ Company Minutes book for the Court of Assistants 1667-1705)
Creator(s): Worshipful Company of Drapers
Date: 7th August 1704 (Contained with book dated 1667-1705)
Accession Number: DR/MB15
Materials: Work on paper (book)
Location: Drapers’ Hall, Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DQ
Credit Line (copyright notice for material) : © The Drapers' Company

The minutes for 7th August 1704 in the Drapers’ Company Minutes book for the Court of Assistants 1667-1705 record the election of Master, Wardens and Officers in which Gibbons was appointed alongside three other men as a Younger Warden, and out of the four was elected as Renter Warden. This is his next progression in status and responsibility within the company after becoming a liveryman in 1684, 20 years earlier. As a warden he became a member of the Court responsible for managing the Company. He also took on a financial administrative role as a Renter Warden supervising expenditure and accounts.