Bill for the supply of wine (Drapers’ Company Dinner Book 1693-1760)
Date: 4th August 1715 (contained within book dated 1693-1760)
Accession Number: DR/DB3
Materials: Work on paper (book)
Location: Drapers’ Hall, Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DQ
Credit Line (copyright notice for material) : © The Drapers' Company

Bill for the supply of wine and associated items from H. Owen to the Worshipful Company of Drapers, countersigned for payment by Grinling Gibbons as Warden. The bill includes 47 gallons of red port, 24 gallons of white wine, 9 gallons of Canary (Malmsey, a sweet fortified wine from the Canary Islands) and 6 gallons of Renish (Rhenish wine from the Rhine river area). The date indicates that this bill (4th August 1715) is connected to the Elections held for the Master and Wardens which was accompanied by a lavish dinner, consequently requiring a significant supply of wine.